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Gungrave (2004)

October. 06,2003
| Animation Action & Adventure
AD:Ce titre n'est actuellement pas disponible sur Prime Vidéo

Brandon Heat, est un jeune fort calme et peu loquace, qui vit d'une existence faites "d'affaires" et de larcins dans les bas-fonds quartiers de la ville où il se trouve, avec ses amis dont Harry McDowel. Brandon n'a d'yeux que pour Maria, mais le père adoptif de celle-ci, Jester, désapprouve largement cette relation, du à leur différence de nature et de condition sociale. Un jour Harry et sa bande s'apprêtent à une rixe avec des caïds locaux, les jeunes gens sortent vainqueur sans laissé de chance à leurs adversaires. C'est ce qu'ils croient en tout cas... Le frère d'un des caïd, tout juste de retour, promet de venger sa bande l'arme au poing.


Saisons & Épisode

Saisons 1 : 2003


26 Épisode


Épisode 14 - Die
January. 05,2004

Brandon remains loyal, Harry takes more and more of the pieces on the board for himself, Maria and BD are in love, and BD is set to name the next heir to Millennion. Everything seems to be going smoothly until the deciding meeting. Harry and BD stare each other down and then, as a complete shock to all present, BD names Arzac Tino(a character we don't know) as the new leader. Harry is the first to clap, followed by Bear... Later, when Harry returns to HQ and finds Bob listening device still plugged into the meeting hall, he hears a conversation between BD and Brandon, where Brandon convinces BD that Harry would never betray, but that Brandon would kill ANYONE who did, leaving Harry on the other end speechless. Three months later, while Harry and Brand are hanging out, Harry mentions to Brandon that Arzac has "mysteriously" gone into a coma and while the two are driving away, Brandon says they should stop by the cemetery to visit Kenny and the rest, but Harry seems to have forgotten who Kenny is at first. The two look upon the graves and reminisce, and as they pass the orphanage where they met Harry decides to buy it and rebuild it right. Harry and Brandon walk onto the elevator and head to the 25th floor. Harry asks Brandon to kill BD so that Harry can gain full power and Maria can belong to Brandon. Brandon punches him in the face and pulls out his Beretta, aiming it at Harry. In the end, however, Brandon can't bring himself to shoot his best friend, so Harry pulls out his own gun and shoots Brandon repeatedly in the chest, followed by a kill shot to his left eye.

Essai Gratuit
Épisode 15 - Harry
January. 12,2004

Harry has set it up to appear as if Brandon was embezzling funds from Millennion, thus leading everyone to believe he is a traitor, some people are simply forcing themselves to believe it simply because it would make life easier. Big Daddy doesn't believe it, but Harry slowly became owner of 80% of Millennion, so BD can't do very much. BD confides in Bear and reveals that Maria is now pregnant with BD's child. There are a few people who may move against Harry, most prominently Bisco, but Harry finds out the secret location of Bisco's home, that not even BD knows the location of. This action intimidates Bisco, for he fears for the safety of his wife and daughter. Bunji, falling deeper into his anger and madness, slaughters a target and his family and renames the True Graves to the Kugashira-gumi. Gary, at Brandon's grave, accidentally let's slip that Brandon betrayed the Syndicate, while in Maria's presence. Harry, after quelling any real emotions for so long, sees a boy being thrown out of a restaurant he works at for breaking plates. Harry goes in and shoots the manager that threw him out and the boy cries in shock at seeing the man dead on the floor. Harry is confused at first, the he grows extremely angry declaring Brandon chose BD over him, and that that's why he shot him. Lee enters the room and declares that there has been an accident at the lab, it turns out the Necro-Rise prototypes have all awoken and gone wild. Dr. Tokioka, who has been keeping the body of Brandon Heat on hand for mysterious reasons, awakens Brandon and gives him prototype weaponry that tears through the prototypes.

Essai Gratuit
Épisode 16 - Letter
January. 19,2004

Dr. Tokioka wonders whether he should have fulfilled Brandon's request to be brought back from the dead, he does this while clutching a mysterious letter in his hand, addressed to Big Daddy. Harry and company survey the damage at the lab, when suddenly one of Dr. Tokioka's lab techs, Ragnarok, appears, offering results that the show the Necro-Rise formula has greater effects on the dead, and offers to head up a new research, Harry agrees. Maria's butler, Tokioka, meets secretly at the park with is brother, Dr. Tokioka, and it has apparently been 15 years since last they saw each other. The butler gives his brother a care with money in the trunk, and the doctor says his last job is to get the guncase and letter to Big Daddy. The letter is from Brandon, in it he talks about how he knew everything that Harry was doing, yet he hoped that in the end, it would be good for Millennion, but that if Harry ever strayed from that path, that Brandon should be around to do something about it. BD goes to visit Brandon, the doctor is keeping him in a laboratory within a 16-wheeler. BD asks the doctor to let Brandon sleep forever, the doctor give BD the guncase, and that if he should ever need Brandon, that this case should be brought before him. BD decides to confront Harry, leaving Maria in the butler's care. BD pulls a gun on Harry but Bunji shoots the gun out of his hand. BD tells Harry that Brandon knew everything all along yet he continued to trust Harry. Harry snaps and kills Big Daddy.

Essai Gratuit
Épisode 17 - Mika
January. 26,2004

Over a decade later... City officials, including the governor, are planning to put a stop to the Mafia when suddenly an OrgMan appears on the road in front of them, and kills all of them. Harry controls everything, but still wants more. Bunji is as on-edge as ever, he shoots people who work for him if they slack off even the slightest. OrgMan production is on the up(with Bear and Bob as overseers), but each OrgMan requires a base body of at least a specific athletic talent, and to create Superiors you need a body of the highest caliber(both physically and physiologically) for it to work right. Lee, due to emotional repression at the highest level, has gone inwardly insane, and now has people who don't measure up to the OrgMan status gathered in one room where he can use his new Superior powers to dice them up. Harry continues to visit and bring gifts to the orphanage he bought in episode 14, where the children there call him "Grandpa Harry", Sherry looks on at this and still sees only the good in Harry. This is followed by Harry learning that Maria has had a daughter, not wanting to bother with talk of "the rightful heir", he ordered his men to take care of it. Cut to a girl riding a bike on the country side, her name is Mika and she is the daughter of Maria, who Mika is know living with along with Tokioka(butler), and it has been 13 years since they left Billion. The Mafia rrive and Tokioka takes Mika from the home, as they flee, Mika sees her mother murdered on the front porch by Harry's men. Mika knows nothing about the Mafia, so Tokioka tells her about the past. Tokioka is killed by an OrgMan who jumps the care, and Mika flees with the case to see Tokioka's brother and to awaken Brandon Heat. Tokioka(doctor) finds Mika collapsed in the snow with the case, he powers up the 16-wheeler but is soon attacked by OrgMen, Mika's screams awaken Brandon.

Essai Gratuit
Épisode 19 - Superior
February. 09,2004

The episode begins with a flashback of Bob lying near-death on a hospital table with Lee watching in. Ragnarok appears and muses that Bob's high cholesterol level from years of chicken consumption gave him a brain aneurysm and put him in this coma. Lee jumps Ragnarok at the apparent insult and Ragnarok reveals that Bob's life can be saved by turning him into a Superior, which is an extremely strong OrgMan with will power. However, the process is, at this point, untested, so Lee asks Ragnarok to perfect the formula on Lee to save Bob's life. Cut to present day, with Brandon(still fairly amnesiac) and Mika shopping within the city for food, Mika is slightly disguised by shades and a hat, and she playfully puts a hat on top of Grave to help them blend in. They sit down and Mika circles the letters S-C-O-T-T on a newspaper, as if by response, Scott appears, snags the paper and motions Mika to a bookstore. It is here Mika is filled up-to-date with what has been going on in Billion, Scott tells her all about Harry, Millennion, The Great Four, OrgMen, and, after some coaxing, Brandon. Meanwhile, Brandon overhears two Millennion agents discussing a meeting of Harry and The Great Four, but upon Mika's return, he doesn't say a word of it. Millennion finds out who Scott has been talking to and executes him. That night, Grave dons his outfit and heads to the mansion he heard about, and is met up by an OrgMen, and while fighting them Mika realizes that Brandon has gone missing. After defeating them, Grave enters the mansion only to find that its only occupants are Harry and The Big Four. Lee reveals he had Bob plant the lead so Brandon would hear it, but the Syndicate members soon realize that Brandon's memory is extremely fragmented, they leave Brandon to Bob and depart. As Bob transforms into his Superior state, Brandon regains his memory of Bob. As a titantic battle ensues with the gigantic Bob, Brandon begins to remember everyone else from his life, and starts fighting with a new fervor, taking down the monster with rapid-fire attacks he can't heal from. Eventually he beats Bob back down to his human form, and Bob begs for his life. Brandon leaves and suddenly Bob's eyes go red, and he launches an attack on Brandon, to which he easily counters and finishes Bob off.

Essai Gratuit
Épisode 20 - Brother
February. 16,2004

The episode begins with Bear confronting Lee, who has gone insane with rage at the knowledge of Bob's death. Lee asks Bear that when they locate Grave, to leave him for Lee to finish off. Cut to Bunji, who has dug up Brandon's grave to convince himself of the truth, Bunji then fires on the cross adorned over it. Brandon, Mika and T are laying low while in the distance T watches Millennion agents gather around the perimeter. Harry ponders as to how a Necro-Rise could beat a Superior and realizes it was Brandon and Tokioka 13 years ago that stopped the rampaging prototypes. Brandon and Mika save a man who is being harassed by agents, and the bodies are later located and reported to Bunji, who tells all the units to pull out so he can take Grave out. Brandon takes Mika to visit Maria's old apartment, and Brandon reminiscences, however they are soon greeted outside by Bunji. Bunji blames Brandon for the current state of things, and Brandon gets Mika to flee. As they begin to square off, Bunji thinks the match unbalanced, and reveals a detonation device to linked to bombs all over the area, to which he detonates. Bunji then unveils yet another new trick, a rifle loaded with a chemical substance that paralyzes & deteriorates the Necro-Rise state. More of the bombs are set off, after which Bunji begins pumping one shot after another into Grave, asking him why he betrayed, but Brandon remains silent. As Bunji is about to execute Grave, Mika comes from the shadows with her revolver aimed at Bunji, saying Brandon would never betray. Bunji doesn't care, he wants to kill Brandon because he left the five of them and then turned around and attacked. Mika continues to plead for Brandon's life, Bunji gets frustrated and begins shooting around her, she continues to weep and scream, and Brandon slowly rises to his feet and begins to badly beat Bunji with his one working arm, but Mika soon pleads Brandon to stop. Later, as T is healing Brandon, he notes that this will drop Brandon's fighting capacity by 30%.

Essai Gratuit
Épisode 21 - Duty
February. 23,2004

Word of Bunji's attempt on Brandon's "life" makes it all the way to Bear Walken, who wonders what exactly it is Brandon really wants. Also, Bunji has gone missing. Lee is growing ever-frustrated with the lack of progress in finding Brandon, and with Bob's death so to went most of the information Bob had on the goings-on of the area. Meanwhile, T and Brandon smuggle themselves and Mika into Billion. T departs for some unknown errand(s) leaving Brandon and Mika with Rich(who is now blind) and Gary, who reveal to Brandon and Mika that BD was murdered(Brandon being "dead" and Mika in isolation were unaware of this). T meets with a mysterious man in an alleyway, this man gives T all of the documents pertaining to OrgMen, Superiors, and their weaknesses. They are soon attacked by Millennion agents and the man dies defending T as he escapes. Brandon heads out for Millennion HQ, leaving Mika in Rich and Gary's care, and the scene cuts to Bunji getting drunk and thrown out of a bar. Upon arriving near Millennion, he is immediately attacked by OrgMen. When Lee hears of this, he realizes there must be more accomplices that T, so Lee goes out to find them. When Mika wakens, she intends to go out and help Brandon, however Rich consoles her with the story of why BD created the Syndicate. Upon finishing the tale, Lee slices a hole in the wall and gloats that the car Brandon drove was registered to Gary. Lee kills Gary and Rich with the blades infused through his body with Superior, he then kidnaps Mika. T finds Brandon only to learn that Mika has been captured and that Gary and Rich are dead. The episode closes with Bunji asking Ragnarok to make him a Superior.

Essai Gratuit
Épisode 22 - Remorse
March. 01,2004

T gives Brandon a blood transfusion to return his full strength while a message from Millennion plays in the background declaring that Brandon must meet at the subway to pick Mika up. Mika awakens inside Millennion HQ to the sight Lee and Harry, and she condemns them for their murders. The pair tell Mika she is simply bait for Grave, and Lee points out that upon Grave's arrival, he will kill Mika. Meanwhile, T works on mysterious new ammo for Brandon's guns. Harry and Bear discuss Lee, who has been sent with 150 OrgMen to kill Grave. Bear suggests that Harry slow down, as Millennion's backbone is crumbling and that the OrgMen can't solve all his problems, plus most members on the board don't support Harry's violent actions. Bear declares that if Lee is defeated, he will take on Grave, Harry remains extremely confident in Lee's abilities. While Mika waits in the subway, she asks Lee what her father was like. Lee admits he had a great deal of admiration for BD, it is simply that BD lacked any ambition that bothered Lee. Lee notes that since Harry is now the head of Millennion, its policies have changed with him. By this logic, Lee says that Brandon's actions couldn't have been seen as anything but betrayal, and Lee laughs at the idea that Grave still continues to fight for BD after death, and also at the idea that a former lover is fighting to protect another man's daughter. Mika grows angrier by the moment, but the rumbles from above indicate that Grave has arrived. T speeds to Brandon's locale to presumably deliver the ammunition he was working on earlier. Grave reaches the transit area where Lee and Mika wait, and after putting a blade to Mika's throat, Lee gets Brandon to dispose of his armaments. Lee then asks Grave if he killed Bob, Grave nods and Lee begins the fight. He first uses physical moves for entertainment purposes, then he pins Grave to a subway car using one of his blades so that Grave can watch while he cuts up Mika. Lee then transforms into his Superior state. Before Lee can attack, T activates the lighting system in the subway station, distracting Lee long enough so that Grave can remove the blade that holds him. As the subway car leaves with T and Mika as passengers, Grave fires at Lee to keep him away, only to find that his bullets do very little harm to Lee. Grave hops onto the subway car and shoots Lee off as it speeds away. As T hands Grave new Anti-Superior ammunition, Lee slices off part of the subway car and appears, causing T to dive to the floor with Mika, and Mika passes out. Lee continues his onslaught anew until T loads Grave's weapons with the new ammo and tosses it to Grave. Grave fires repeatedly into Lee, and the Superior begins to disintegrate, falling off of the subway car onto the tracks. Lee looks upon Millennion and mourns that his life had to end here, he then becomes dust in the wind. Grave returns to Mika's side only to find that T has been mortally-wounded by Lee. T asks Grave for one last favor, which ends up being a longer-term blood transfusion. T guesses that it will last Grave ten days at best, and as T ponders his long life of regret, he passes away, Mika finds him dead the next day as she awakens.

Essai Gratuit
Épisode 23 - Daughter
March. 08,2004

At episode's outset, Mika and Grave stand over the resting places of Jolice, Nathan and Kenny, now accompanied by the tombs of BD, Maria, Rich, Gary, and the Tokioka brothers. Grave begins to depart, and Mika turns to tell Grave that he doesn't have to fight anymore, that he can forget about revenge and just stay with her. However, Grave continues on. Harry, meanwhile, attends an emergency meeting called by the top Millennion execs, who are concerned that with the M/KIA of 3/4 of his closest subordinates, they're end is near too. Most of the execs lay their guns down on the table, both Harry and the rebelling execs claim to be taking their actions to protect the Syndicate. An OrgMen appears from a hidden door and slaughters all the execs who laid down their arms, Harry names Bisco as Lee's successor, and parts with Bear for dinner with Sherry. At said dinner, Bear admits that since he has never lived in anything but the Syndicate, that he doesn't see how he can leave, he also, quite seriously, pressures Harry about giving him a granddaughter. Bear soon receives a call on his cell and, much to Sherry's annoyance, departs. Bear appears outside Brandon's hideout, where the Overkills are already in wait, eager to take on orders. Bear dismisses the entire squad, telling them to go on and live their lives, and that Bear himself will take on the target as an individual, and not as a Syndicate member. The members decide to respect his wishes, as Bear's Overkills seem to be the only group within the Syndicate that weren't transformed into OrgMen, per Bear's request. Bear confronts Brandon on the roof, and asks him why he is continuing to protect this girl, as Brandon and BD's time has long passed. Brandon simply asks "Why?!" and takes a swing at Bear, which Bear quickly counters with his palm. Bear asks if Brandon thinks Bear betrayed, but Bear declares he has no regrets for any of his actions. Bear follows Harry's Millennion only for his daughter's sake, he will sacrifice anything for Sherry, so Bear asks of Brandon a challenge to be held at Bear's mansion, Bear departs and admits to Mika that Maria's death was truly a loss, but that Bear will still fight for the justice he believes in. As Brandon loads his weapons with Anti-Superior ammunition, Mika asks why Brandon is fighting Bear, as Mika feels he doesn't seem all that bad. Brandon says that it is because they are Millenion, and leaves it at that. Bear meditates in his dojo, thinking his actions just as foolish as his friend Cid. Cid died for the sake of his son, Eddie. Brandon arrives at Bear's dojo, Bear rises in his gi(martial arts outfit) and draws his katana. Bear suddenly leaps into the air at lightning speed and with one swipe destroys half of Brandon's coffin. Bear declares that to compete with Brandon, he became a Superior, Bear's right arm then "buffs up" and busts through his sleeve. Brandon fires repeatedly but Bear slices every bullet out of the air. Bear continues to slice every bullet in half, and the ensuing swipes of his sword destroy the dojo, taking the fight outside into the snow. Bear's right arm swells and explodes into an elaborate arc of spikes, and numerous hands of rock and bone appear around Bear, left arm clutching the katana with a floating right hand as support. The hands launch through the air at unimaginable speeds snaring Brandon and knocking one of his pistols from his hand. As Bear approaches for the kill, Brandon drops his remaining pistol from his right, snared hand to his left, equally-snared hand, and delivers numerous shots into Bear. With his last breath, Bear asks Brandon to finish him off, while Bear spends his last thinking only of his love for Sherry. A single shot rings in the night. We see Sherry weeping as Harry delivers the news, the Overkills remaining silent within a bar, and Mika, teary-eyed, at Grave's return.

Essai Gratuit

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