Docteur La Peluche Season 1

March. 23,2012
| Animation Familial Kids

Saison 1


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Épisode guide de Docteur La Peluche Saison 1

Episode 52 - Bronty a mauvaise haleine
First Aired: May. 03,2013

Doc and the gang wonder why Bronty has a bad case of bad breath so they teach Bronty how to brush his teeth to make it smell nice.

Episode 51 - Bronty, le maladroit
First Aired: May. 03,2013

When Bronty, a toy Brontosaurus arrives to the McStuffins household, a mysterious outbreak of injuries affects the other toys due to Bronty playing roughly with them and not realizing it.

Episode 50 - Teddy a des soucis
First Aired: February. 01,2013

A teddy bear named Teddy B. discovers why Donny doesn't want to play with Teddy B

Episode 49 - Câline et Valentine
First Aired: February. 01,2013

Lambie becomes jealous and brokenhearted when Val, a new toy, steals the spotlight from her during the Valentine's Day party at the clinic.

Episode 48 - Le Professeur Lulu Berlue
First Aired: December. 07,2012

Doc receives a stuffed toy owl named Professor Hootsburgh from her older cousin, but she can't read properly because of her poor eyesight.

Episode 47 - Chocotte tremblote
First Aired: December. 07,2012

Doc is excited to play outside in the snow. Then, Chilly decides to hang out with the snowman that the gang built but nearly freezes in the cold.

Episode 46 - Glo-bo n'est plus phosphorescent !
First Aired: October. 05,2012

Glo-Bo is very tired, weak and unable to glow. So Doc and her toys need to find a way to get him back his glowing effect.

Episode 34 - Le Sauveur Fantastique
First Aired: May. 03,2012

Doc et ses amis aident le Sauveur fantastique, un super-héros dont les jambes sont montées à l'envers...

Episode 33 - Les graines s'accrochent
First Aired: May. 03,2012

Doc et ses amis aident Toufy quand il tombe dans un buisson et en ressort couvert de graines

Episode 31 - Câline se fait recoudre
Episode 30 - Une baleine en devenir
Episode 29 - Camping
First Aired: April. 13,2012

Doc helps Robot Ray after he injures his arm after being abducted by a bluebird during a camping trip. Doc later refers to having gotten a case of Panicitic in response to the situation, and of this being her first surgery

Episode 28 - Bidou Bulles
First Aired: April. 11,2012

Doc et ses amis aident Bidou Bulles : Alma s'est trompée et a versé un mauvais produit dans son réservoir...

Episode 27 - Bella la ballerine
First Aired: April. 11,2012

Doc et ses amis aident Bella, une ballerine qui s'est blessée à la jambe

Episode 26 - Hallie n'entend plus rien
First Aired: April. 09,2012

Doc helps Hallie hear better after she has trouble hearing. Song: Have You Heard?

Episode 25 - Le chevalier noir
First Aired: April. 09,2012

During a sleepover party, Doc discovers that Sir Kirby is afraid of the dark and cures him of his fear. Song: We Can Light The Night

Episode 24 - Boumeur manque d'air
First Aired: April. 06,2012

Lors d'une nouvelle aventure, Doc et ses amis aident Boumeur, un ballon de football, à affronter sa peur des aiguilles...

Episode 23 - Meuh-Meuh a du chagrin
First Aired: April. 06,2012

Doc et ses amis apprennent à Meuh-Meuh, une vache en peluche, à pardonner.

Episode 22 - Beau comme un camion
First Aired: April. 05,2012

Doc et ses amis aident Thomas, le camion, à rester tranquille pendant qu’on le repeint...

Episode 21 - L'hélice de Ronda
First Aired: April. 05,2012

Doc et ses amis aident Ronda à se reposer pendant que la colle utilisée pour recoller son hélice sèche.

Episode 20 - Niles a peur du docteur
First Aired: April. 04,2012

Doc et ses amis veulent contrer le méchant roi qui tente de voler la tasse à thé magique..

Episode 19 - Kiko la reine du Karaté
First Aired: April. 04,2012

La grand-mère de Doc lui a envoyé Kiko, une poupée japonaise dont la spécialité est le karaté.

Episode 18 - Court-Circuit
First Aired: April. 03,2012

Doc aide le Robot Ray lorsqu'il tombe en panne après être allé dans l'eau...

Episode 17 - Ronda, hélicoptère de sauvetage
Episode 16 - La pelle de Riggo
First Aired: April. 02,2012

When Doc accidentally gets sand in her eye, she finds out what's wrong with Will's toy digger, Riggo, when his scoop gets stuck. Song: Dig, Dig, Dig Sickness: Stuck Scooper

Episode 15 - Le hoquet de Millie
First Aired: April. 02,2012

Doc tries to fix Millie the Microphone when she can't stop repeating words. Song: If You Got The Hiccups Sickness: Repeatitis

Episode 14 - Hermie perd une patte
First Aired: March. 30,2012

Doc helps Hermie, her toy crab, after his arm was torn out by Emmie and Alma's new puppy Rudi. Song: You Can Do It! Sickness: Torn arm

Episode 13 - Les singes câlins
First Aired: March. 30,2012

Ben and Anna, Alma's "Huggy Monkeys" need to be separated after one of them suffered a torn Velcro "hug" patch and needed to recover overnight at the clinic. Song: We're Ben-Anna Sickness: Torn Velcro patch

Episode 12 - La nuit des étoiles
First Aired: March. 29,2012

Doc helps Henry's Telescope Aurora when she suffers from blurry vision. Song: Stars, Stars (Planets, Stars And Galaxies)

Episode 11 - Sauvetage de girafe
First Aired: March. 29,2012

Doc helps a stuffed toy Giraffe called Gaby after her leg was torn in an accident in the claw crane machine at the arcade. Song: Nobody Wants A Broken Toy

Episode 9 - Les crocos ont les crocs !
First Aired: March. 28,2012

Doc fixes Gustave, the green gator on Donny's Gulpy Gulpy Gators game after he eats too many marbles. Song: Be Good To Your Tummy

Episode 8 - Toufy, le Grand Aventurier
First Aired: March. 27,2012

During an adventure game, Stuffy's tail gets ripped, but he won't ask for help and soon it gets worse as he loses more stuffing from his tail.

Episode 7 - Lenny le camion a des soucis
First Aired: March. 27,2012

Donny thinks that his toy fire engine Lenny, a.k.a. Engine 9, is broken, when it actually ran out of water in his holding tanks, so Doc refills him. Song: Water, Water Sickness: Dehydration (Dry-out)

Episode 6 - Décollage immédiat !
First Aired: March. 26,2012

Doc helps Carlos' toy space alien, Star Blazer Zero after his arms and legs fall off after a crash in his toy rocket. Song: Be Safe! Sickness: Broken parts

Episode 5 - Susie est de mauvaise humeur
First Aired: March. 26,2012

Doc wonders why Susie Sunshine, a doll, is acting very cranky. Song: Close Your Eyes

Episode 4 - La panne
First Aired: March. 23,2012

Doc et ses amis réparent Ricardo, la voiture de course, qui a besoin de recharger ses batteries.

Episode 3 - La Boîte à surprises
First Aired: March. 23,2012

Doc et ses amis réparent Mini Jack, un diable qui ne parvient plus à bondir de sa boîte

Episode 2 - Gare aux épines!
First Aired: March. 23,2012

Doc et ses amis aident Bobby, qui se dégonfle après une coupure d'épine de rosier...

Episode 1 - Au bain, Sire Kirby!


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